Saturday, January 22, 2011


Its nearly two weeks..wait! no I thing its more like just over a week since
I sent back my exam paper, I still haven't heard anything back yet:(
I'm just hoping that its in the post and on its way.
I'm soooo ready to just get back into studying, I really just cant wait to
actually apply makeup :) i so want the next part of the course to be the application part:-)
Iv been getting very board lately iv been messing around with different types of styles with the make up i have.. which isn't that much but i have been starting to pick a few little things every week just to help build up a kit:)
Boredom is so doing my head in, its that bad that I have straightened my hair nearly every day
and that's huge for me as my hair is soooo thick and so long ( down to my hip ) it takes me ages to straighten it, like that's how board i am. So anyway because i have been playing round with my hair i have decided that its time to give it a good cut and colour my natural colour is blond but i have been auburn, brown, purple and orange but that one was a mistake ha and not very nice:)
I'm going to get it cut up to just under my shoulder so it better to manage and ill probably get it in like a light  brown with blond highlights and maybe a fringe? or side fringe? haven't made up my mind yet :)
I'm very attached to my hair i love the thoughts of getting it cut and coloured but when it comes to the crunch i do be like aawww maybe just a trim.
I was thinking that until i get my results back with my next module i will put up some little
blogs like a Whats In My Bag!, My Top 5 Must Haves!, stuff like that:)

Dani xx

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wasting Time!

Hi Guys,
So yesterday and now again today I just can not get myself
motivated!!!! I'm sitting down opening up me text book and closing it over again Ill get up and put on
an exercise DVD and do about 20 Min's of that, then start to clean my house then,
sit down again to try and study!!!! What is going on?!
I know I have to study and I really want to but as soon as I open the book something
will pop into my head and ill go and do that instead! I'm just hopping from one thing to an other and I'm starting to think that may be I should have signed up to "go to" college in stead of Studying at home at least in a college you have a tutor who tells you what and when you have
to do something! I'm so upset with myself fr not being able to concentrate on what I have to do!
Maybe I should write out a planner with what time i have to study at and for how long, what time i should clean up at and like do exercise that evening!
So my plan for tomorrow is:

Get  a planner

Write out a time table

Follow the time table to a tee

Doesn't seam that much now after I leave out all the stuff I have to do with my son and family ha
just looking at that little bit for college makes it look easy:) 

Dani x 

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Daily Make Up Routine

Hi Guys,

So today is my  " Day Off" I always take a day off from studying and college and just relax,
well try to anyway.
While I was catching up on my 
You Tube Make Up Guru's I decided that maybe I should do my
make up routine! So many people on YouTube have theres up
while most of them are pretty much the
same, some are different. Mine is very basic some days I will only ever wear
concealer, eye liner and mascara with a little bit of tinted lip balm.

Ill go thru my routine step by step and ill add a picture of all the products that i have used.

First I start off by washing my face with
Body Shop Seaweed Exfoliator

Then I apply
Olay Wake Up Wonder Moisturiser

MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NC20
MAC Select Cover Up in NC20

MAC Black Eye Liner
Maybelline The Colossal Volume Express Mascara
MUFE Eye Shadow in No 164

When I have applied all of my make up I just add a little bit of tinted lip balm I don't really use
a blusher but some times I will use Avon's Face Pearls just to give off a nice
summery glow :)

Dani xx

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Haul :)

Hi Guys,
So I was in town the other day and decided to go buy a few things to help me start off my Make Up Kit:)  I went to a few shops and picked up a few little things from each off them, I also had a gift card for MAC so I went over to Brown Thomas and spent ages there, I wanted everything:) I couldn't make my mind up on what brushes I wanted to get, but I choose some nice eye shadows and lip liner ill add pictures off the things I got below:)

So I got:

                          Mac Foundation and Mac Concealer

                              A Cosmetics Bag From Penny's

                                             False Lashes

                       Mac Lip Liner, Caprice Lip Stick and Gloss

                                   Eye shadows from MUFE

                                          Eyeshadow Dust

                                       Mac Eye shadows

MUFE Empty Palette

So that's everything that I got :)

Dani xx

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bones Of The Skull

Hi Guys,

I'm moving slow in my course, I'm finding it hard to motivate myself into studing.
When I was doing the part of the course with the skintones, I found it a little bit hard but as soon as I wrote out the chapter...and yes it took me a while to do it :)...I dont know what happened it just clicked and I got what it ment and found my own undertone, but now I'm on to Anatomy and Physiology which is the Bones of the head and face. Its harder than I thought it would be, I have wrote out and read it over and over again like nearly 6 pages ( A4 ). It really has me knocked back for some reason, I never give up this quick and I dont know why I have??
It's actually a good chapter in the book it helps you learn about not only the bones and muscles but also
helps with spotting signs of skin cancer, moles, sun-damaged skin and what to do! I'ts very helpful I just have to get it in my head that this is a very important part of make up, I'll just have to keep thinking of the end result:) I'll add a picture of a skull with markings of some of the bones I have to learn just to give you an idea off what I'm talking about :).

Dani xx

Friday, January 7, 2011


Hi Guys:)

So I just sent back my first exam:o I'm very nervous about it I don't think i did that well on it! When you study from you have all the information there right in front of you while your doing you exam, so there's no one to tell you not to cheat or take a little peek at some answers......But thankfully I didn't cheat:) I'm so proud of myself because even when I knew I didn't know the answer I still tried my very best to answer it, at least I know that if i get a good grade or even a bad one I know I tied my best with it. If I get a bad/ low grade I'll try even harder in the next exam I hoping I get a good grade. Getting time to do the exam was harder then I thought it would be, my son was off on his Christmas Holidays, so while he was up watching cartoons I tried to start it,well as soon as I put the pen to the paper I got " Mammy,  I need juice" Or " Mammy,sit beside me and cuddle me" :) I love my little boy so much, so I put my exam away and started it that night when he went to bed, it didn't take that long to do 2-3 pages where check lists to see how you see your self, you had to describe your self, eh.... what you would change about yourself and a page with only 3 questions on legislation's. Im excited about getting my next module I cant wait to get started:)

Dani xx

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's :-)


So how was everyone's New Year's?? Mine was quite :) I stayed in New Year's Eve and all I could think about was what kind of thing's I need to build up a Make Up Starter Kit?! I don't want a kit full of just Mac Cosmetic's I want a mixture to much of a different type of make up messy looking? and with so much choice would that be a bad thing? iv been looking on sites like coastal scents, NARS, Make Up Forever etc.... I don't want to keep looking to YouTube for all these answers, I know a few things i have to get for my kit fist of all I need a case...I wanna save up and get a really good brush set...different types of paletts from lips,eyes, cheeks,foundation... sponges, applicators, wipes....moisturizer, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer....lashes from strip to individual...brush cleaner....eyeliner, lipliner...mascara....the list goes on and on!!!!:) I think I know everything I need to get . I have from now up untill I finish my course which ends in May!!! ill try and add a picture of the case i would like to start off with and the palette that i also like:)

Dani xxx